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Perry Leijten

Senior Technical Artist, Square Enix Tokyo

Perry Leijten is a technical artist specialized in rigging, but does not shy away from creating tools and snippets to speed up this process. Perry started out as a university teacher in Holland giving lectures in the basics of Maya modeling, rigging and python scripting, until he got a job offer from Guerrilla Games to help finish 'Killzone:Shadow Fall'. He is currently working on 'Horizon: Zero Dawn' as a senior technical artist. In his spare time he helps out indie studios including Ragesquid (Action Henk), TwirlBound (Pine) and works on the rigs for Marauder Film's short 'Is This Heaven.'

  • Perry was one of my best students with great skill and a tremendous passion for rigging. It was a real pleasure to work with him while he was at an internship at Nazooka where he demonstrated he was capable of coming up with very elegant and creative rigging solutions.

    - Kim Goossens
    Graphical Technical Director - Ubisoft